Recipe Submission

If you would like to contribute to the site by submitting your own recipe, please fill out the following form.  Don’t worry, the email address used is only so I can contact you if I have questions about the recipe.

Thanks again for your contribution.

Your Details

First name only is fine
Only used if I have questions about the recipe

Recipe Essentials

Recipe Details

Eg 4 people, or 2 breadsticks, etc
Eg 3 mins to preheat the air fryer
Eg. 11 mins
Prep Time + Cook Time
Please specify whether Celcius or Farenheit eg. 200 C, or 360 F
Appetizer, Entre, Dinner, etc
Indian, American, Korean, etc
Eg. Rotisserie, Kebab rack, etc
One ingredient per line
One instruction per line
Notes regarding the recipe eg. Shake half way through, cook from frozen etc