Hard Boiled Eggs
Hard boil your eggs to perfection in the air fryer. No water required. Just cook, peel and eat.
Just for something completely different, try hard boiling your eggs in the air fryer. No saucepan, or even water required to cook. Because you're not cooking the eggs in boiling water, they won't break. Enjoy the perfect hard boiled egg.
Servings2 people
TEMP120°C or 250°F
Per Serving
- 6 Fresh Eggs
- Place the eggs in the airfryer basket.
- Preheat the air fryer to 120° C or 250° F which usually takes around 3 minutes depending on the air fryer.
- Cook for 16 minutes.
- Remove from the air fryer basket, and place in a bowl of cold water for 10 minutes.
- Peel the eggs and serve
- Just place the eggs in the air fryer straight from the fridge and your good to go.
- No need to prick the eggs
Did this using large eggs. Worked great.
Awesome! Made 4 eggs tonite. Definitely the only way to cook hard boiled eggs.
I really love to eat eggs on a regular basis. Yes, I think air fryer is the best option for hard-boiled egg.
I had trouble peeling the egg???!! Did I do something wrong?
Did you put them in cold water immediately after taking them out of the air fryer? That will help with peeling them.
The colder the water the better! I freeze water bottles and then put them in the water with the eggs. The peel perfect every time.
Put in five eggs, and within a couple minutes, two exploded! Took them out and finished cooking the unbroken ones on the stove in water like I should have done in the first place.
That’s strange. i wonder if it’s something to do with the eggs you used somehow. I’ve personally tried eggs and they come out perfect every time. Many people have had full success as well.
I cooked one egg and it was raw. will adjust time and try again. Question, why do you put in cold water after cooking? I use a power pressure cooker xl
Cold water stops the cooking and avoids the green ring
This worked perfectly. I had jumbo size so I added a few minutes. Easy to peel and moist. Very much appreciated the recipe notes too.
Tried for the first time. At 16 minutes the eggs were soft boiled so I added another 4 minutes – perfect hard boiled eggs. Yay!
What if I only want to boil 2 eggs? Should the cooking time be adjusted?
Hi Evert,
The cooking time should be the same for two eggs. It might vary if you start overlapping eggs, but as long as they all have equal circulation of the air, then it shouldn’t matter whether it’s 2, or 4 etc.
Does anyone have experience with free range (fresh) eggs. Impossible to peel, any advice.?
The older the eggs the easier to peel. You can tell how old by using the float test. If they lay flat they are fresh, if they stand up they are older but good, if they float toss away. Just don’t let any other animal eat them or they will start stealing your chicken eggs.
Tried it today temp 250 for 15 min and they were perfect. Next time i will do 12 min for a soft boiled egg.
Tried today and they cooked perfectly. Will have hard boiled this way almost every day now
When you Basket, Do you mean the french fry tumbling rotating basket thing?
I have the Power AirFryer unit..
It’s just a standard basket that you shake manually. I’m not familiar with your air fryer but it’s just the basket you put the chips or whatever food in.
Hi Gleff, Firstly what a great site you have put up, Very informative
I have a Flora ™ FL-SAF-PLUS Spaceship Air Fryer 13ltrs, It has the rotating Basket. It’s probably the largest Air Fryer I have found available in Australia. As their is not need to shake our food I find best method is to just monitor it as it’s cooking. My latest PDF only cost AUD$2.99 and it has 850 recipes that all are related to a Slide in basket type fryer..All of the recipes are USA imperial. So I now have an app for the temps and measurements.
Andrew, I have an Emeril Lagasse AirFryer Pro, which sounds a lot like your Spaceship. Round basket, three crisper trays, rotisserie shaft and racks, rotisserie forks and skewers. Great machine, but it came with a paltry recipe book that doesn’t cover half of the equipment, and woeful instructions. We have written the company about after-market recipe books, but no reply. How would I go about buying your recipe PDF? My email is tamusaf@suddenlink.net.
Does this mean that you put the eggs into the cold basket and then preheat to 250 degrees with the eggs in the airfryer, which would be tantamount to putting food into a cold oven before preheating the oven?
I have the same question as Janice.
Do you:
A. Put the cold eggs in the basket, then pre-heat, then cook?
B. Put room-temp eggs in the basket, then pre-heat, then cook?
C. Pre heat without eggs, then add cold eggs to cook?
D. Pre-heat without eggs, then add room temp eggs to cook?
Tried this last night & it worked perfectly for 6 large eggs! I have bookmarked this recipe & will use it from now on. 💜❤
Since there is no pre-heat setting on my Power XL 5qt, I was initially questioning how to do it properly. Upon consulting the owner’s manual, it does indicate in order to pre-heat the frier, you just set it to the desired temp and set the time for 3 minutes. It’ll beep when time has elapsed since it’s just a normal cooking cycle and THEN you can load it up with the eggs & run the 16 minute cycle.
Tips for egg peeling: Older eggs that have been sitting in the fridge for a few weeks peel easier than eggs just purchased from the store. (Or fresh out the chicken, you lucky people!?) I used a spoon to crack in the bottom of the egg which naturally has a little air pocket and then you slide the spoon under to release the egg easier. Alternatively, you can stir the eggs together vigorously in the large drained bowl until they are all crackled and sometimes the shells will slip off easier that way.
Thank you…That totally explained and answered all the question I just read….
Can I put the whole dozen in? Why does it have to be 6? I’m putting them all in.
I do not have an airfryer but, the oven in my induction range surves the same purpose. Do I follow the same instructions or is there a conversion from “airfryer” to “oven airfryer” that I must folow? Thank you.
Hi Mary,
I suspect airfryer ovens don’t have the same powerful air flow that normal airfryers have due to the shape (just speculation here), so any recipes you follow, I suspect you will need to add time to it. It’s difficult to know how much longer though because every oven model cooks a little different. If you can find a common food between an airfryer and an airfryer oven, then you can use that as a base line of how differently they cook and then use that as a guide. Just remember to always preheat the airfryer oven so that the starting point is always the same.
Thank you Gleff,
After experimenting, I’ve confirmed your suspicions. The oven temp needs to be higher, I ued 350 degres and the eggs, for hard cooked, must be in at least 30 minutes. When I have definite times and temp I’ll get back to you, At this point, they must be adjusted. The eggs were cold, out of fridge. FYI, I wouldn’t give up the induction range. Faster than gas, coming and going.
Great site! Question; If the inside of the shell is golden/reddish could be a contributing reason for horribleness peeling? we tasted and there was no burning taste/smell. and rest of egg inside and out was respectively white and yellow yolk.
Except for some mild weirdness with the egg white edges after peeling: looked like a melted bee honeycomb or something so could be good for sci-Fi alien eggs for Halloween? (7 Jumbo eggs @ 250 for 12 min (NinjaXL Air Fryer)
Hi! If the inside of egg shell appears light brown or orange could it be the cause of the most heinous egg peeling ever (Soaked in ICE water bowl 15 min for 10 eggs made in NinjaXL air fryer)