Totino's Pizza Rolls
Totino's Pizza Rolls with a gooey cheese and pizza filling wrapped in a crispy pastry
Mmmm Pizza. Anything with the word pizza in its title must be good. The Air Fryer excels when cooking frozen foods such as this. Piping hot internal pizza with a crispy golden brown outside. Yummm
Servings2 people
TEMP190°C or 375°F
Per Serving
- 10 Pizza Rolls
- Preheat the air fryer to 190 ° C or 375 ° F which usually takes around 3 minutes depending on the air fryer.
- Place the pizza rolls into the air fryer basket . It doesn't matter if they overlap.
- Cook for 5 minutes.
- Cook from frozen
- No Oil Necessary
- Shake half way
How about banquet pot pies what temperature and how long
See Meat Pie
You must not like to keep the fillings in them, because they were done at 5 minutes, starting to ooze at 6, and overdone at 7.
HI Jake,
Thanks for the feedback. I haven’t personally tried the pizza rolls in my air fryer. It was submitted by a visitor. If anyone else can verify, i’ll be happy to change it. I assume you used the same temperature above?
Hi Gleff,
This is correct. I cooked my pizza rolls for 6 minutes and they were oozing out the filling.
Thanks Mary. I’ve changed it to 5 minutes.
Yessss, thank goodness I decided to read the comments. My air fryer doesn’t have a 375 option so I had to use 380. And after 5-7min they were done.
Hi Taylor,
Thanks for verifying the correct cooking time. Since two people have now advised 10 minutes is too long, i’ve lowered the cooking time to 5-7 minutes.
Thanks Jake for pointing it out.
It says cook for 5 smh
i just did the pizza rolls in the basket 5 minutes it the most time i would suggest.
5-6 minutes max. They turned out better than
in the oven and deep fryer.
First time user on the Go wise USA air frier. Pizza rolls at370 for 7 minuets…..perfect!
Does anyone know how long, what temp, for a pizza puff?
I cooked mine for 7 minutes and had to cook them for an extra 4 minutes. I think it just depends on the air fryer.
i preheated my at 370 which is 170f took 5min to heat up, thren cooked them for 6 min came out perfect
I just cooked mine at 380 for 5 min and they are perfect :)
Using a Dash air fryer — preheated for 3 minutes at 380F. Placed pizza rolls directly in basket, no oil and cooked for three minutes before shaking. Put them back in for two more minutes at the same 380F. The pizza rolls were just beginning to split open, the crust was crispy and the insides were very hot and tender!
Thank you so much
I think 7 míns is for the most perfect! But it could be depend on your air fryer
My fryer is a Ninja hot air fryer and I’m trying to cook my 20 months old grandson 10 of the combination Totinos pizza rolls as I type this comment. I set my fryer to 375° & put them on to cook for 8 minutes since I did not preheat my fryer therefore allowed for it as the pizza rolls cooked!
They are PERFECT!!! I have them in the freezer cooling off a bit but he will love them in about 5 minutes!!!
seven minutes in my instapot at 400 for a whole bag. Turned out delicious!!!
A bit confused but I read the comment and follow! Anyway, it come out great I see.
These are the best for snacking on. They are easy to make and taste great. Lots of flavor and lots of meat and cheese on the inside. They get very hot though and need to be able to cool off before eating them.
these are a good quick snack or meal.. they are relatively cheap and filling. they are so much better in the oven.
I cooked at 375 for 7 min and was perfect not oozing. Was a brand new Ninja one and I let preheat for 4 min. So I don’t think it’s 5 min for all of them. Must all come down to your air fryer.
pre-heated for 3 minutes at 370. Cooked about 15 of ’em at 370 for 5 minutes. They’re done. Probably 4 minutes would have been sufficient. Corners were hard crispy. Interior contents quite hot. A nice splop of ranch dressing on each bite – delicious. :-)
Instant Pot air fryer – preheated until it beeped, 375F at 5min was perfect. 10 rolls, very lightly spritzed with avocado spray, upper level, no leakage, hot, lightly browned, crispy.
I cooked Totinos pizza rolls in my air fryer at 350 for 6 minutes, turning them after 3 minutes. They were perfect